Maintenance manual for Thunder laser system
Proper care and routine maintenance of the machine will ensure optimal performance over a long service life.
How to disassemble your Nova
The Users Guide section will walk you through 6 steps for learning how to disassemble your Nova
Operation manual for Thunder laser machine
According to international standard,“O”means close;“I”means open for the rocker switch below.
User manual for LCD control panel
Contents 1 Function of the Buttons……………………………………2 2 The main interface……………………………………4 2.1 Speed Key……………………………………5 2.2 Max Power Keys……………………………………5 2.3 Set the Layer Parameters……………………………………5 2.4 Z/U Key……………………………………6 2.4.1 Z Move……………………………………7 2.4.2 U Move……………………………………7 2.4.3 Axis Reset+……………………………………7 2.4.4 Manual Set+……………………………………7 2.4.5 Laser Set+……………………………………8 2.4.6 Origin Set……………………………………9 2.4.7 Set Fact Parameters……………………………………10 2.4.8 Def Fact Parameters……………………………………10 2.4.9 Auto Focus……………………………………11 2.4.10 […]
Why the red dot pointer not being able to come out from the laser head.
Locate on the Red Dot Pointer Mount in the rear of the machine, and check if the Red Dot Pointer is off, like below.
Chiller alarms unusually
Chiller lcd panel is showing normal, but the red light on and buzzer beeping.
Air pump won’t work or no air assist when job starts
How to check if air compressor break down, there’s a common way to connect it to the power directly using the power cable of chiller, then check if air compressor can be turn on normally, like below:
Exhaust fan cannot extract smoke or dust
How to check if exhaust fan break down, there’s a common way to connect it to the power directly using the power cable of chiller, then check if exhaust fan can be turn on normally, like below:
Cutting problem– Some point of the same piece of materials cannot be cut through
The bending of the material or the uneven working table can result in different focal lengths, especially for the large cutting graphic.
Engraving problem—the engraving quality is very poor
The bending of the material or the uneven working table can result in different focal lengths, especially for the large engraving graphic.