Grip Tape

Thunder laser cutter is very good to cut grip tape. The cutting speed is very fast and the quality is excellent. Comparing to the traditional methods, using a co2 laser cutter will have…

As a new processing method, Laser cutting and Engraving has many advantages like high precision, fast application, stable quality, material saving, good reliability etc. Now laser cutting engraving …

Unlike the traditional way of engraving on rubber which has many limitations like time-consuming and expensive, using laser cutting engraving machine to deal with rubber is a way of simple…
Anodized Aluminum

Our thunder laser engraver is very fit for anodized aluminum engraving. You can engrave logos and letters on many items made of anodized aluminum like dog tag and individual parts and so on…
▷20 How to set Parameter library

laser cutter software RDworks v8 tutorial 20 How to set Parameter library

Laser DIY gift cutting and engraving.Thunder laser engraver is one of the best ways for the customized gifts.

The application of Laser engraving and cutting for signage business has many advantages comparing to traditional methods.
glass engraving

Etching on glass with a Thunder laser engraving machine is one of the best solution for many users.There are many customers need to etch on glass.
Stamp Engraving

Traditional way of making stamps is time consuming and expensive with many limitations. Many hours or even several days are needed to finish carving a stamp.
General Manufacturing

High flexibility in material. It can be widely used in many materials. Almost all non-metal materials ..